Two weeks ago I was on target to have my best VT100 miler yet (although considering my previous times were 29:06 then nearly 30 hours last year, there was little worse I could do without a DNF). Because of my training including a GREAT race at the ICY-8 (coming in 2nd place female with my friend Ethel's help), several marathons under 4:20 and a great pacing experience at VT City marathon. This was capped off by my final long distance run at the Niagara Ultra starting super early with my friend Diane.
Well last Friday I got the call no one wants. My husband called me to tell me he had fallen from a mountain and was injured. A good samaritan hiker (who happened to be a former guide) found him and called 911. After a nearly 24 hour ordeal, he finally was airlifted to St Charles Hospital in Bend OR.
The play by play of his ordeal can be found here:
(notice he was supposed to be at Portland...if any of you are in the same unfortunate position as I, wait until the rescue has been accomplished and the person is settled in a hospital, had I left immediately on Sat, I would have been waiting about 4-5 hours away from Tristan ended up)
Here you can see a bit more details about his rescue and ordeal.
I flew to Oregon Sunday night and spent a few days in the hospital with him. He was surprised I was able to stay in his room but with a thermarest mattress in my backpack I was ready for anything. Finally on Wednesday he was released and Thursday we flew home. Since then I have been busy making our townhouse as handicapped accessible as possible, renting a wheelchair and in general ensuring Tristan is able to be safe and comfortable.
This has not helped my VT100 training. While Tristan was on his guided climb the week of June 21 I had an 90 mile week. This week was less than 10 miles. I am not sure this is how to train for a 100 but I guess I will just have to dig that much deeper. Last year at VT100 when I was ~5 minutes from DNFing at an Aid Station I promised that I would avenge my dismal performance in 09 (when it was just over a month from my mom passing). This does not seem likely but hopefully I can eek out a finish with my friend Iva who had signed on as my pacer but now will be my crew, chauffer and pacer.