Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pictures from the Phoenix Rock and Roll Marathon

I was alerted to a picture taken along the course by the Rock and Roll Professional Photographers...feel free to check it out here.

I will try to link a small video of the finish tomorrow. As a sneak preview, I will admit I loitered a bit near the finish line and may have taken a picture (shocking, eh??)

Alternatively, you can see some of the highlights of my marathon in the pictures below.

Along the course there are super spectators! These folks had a cute set up with mimosa's, beer, bloody mary's and even shrimp!!!

You can see me here enjoying a tasty shrimp. It was so yummy!

I need to think about having Tristan go out and get me a shrimp cocktail during my next 100 miler because it was a very tasty treat!

Here I am with a parrot. I was very surprised when I saw a gentleman standing along the course with a parrot on his shoulder.

I was even more surprised when he offered to put his pet parrot on my arm. Of course being open to any new experience along the course I happily said yes.

I think he was a bit worried that my watch would be eaten/gnawed by the parrot so I took it off for the benefit of the parrot.
Here I am at the "Margaritaville" water station. There was a gentleman who was dressed even more festive than I was.

This aid station passed out beads however, I earned my beads well ahead of this aid station (most of my beads were earned about mile 4).

I do not necessarily recommend running 22 miles with lots of beads as the bruise on one's chest is kind of painful! Although this is good training for the Mardi Gras Marathon in which I hope to earn hundreds of beads!
My friends Cheryl and Jennifer stopped as they neared the finish for the requisite picture. I had walked the course backwards so I could run into them about mile 25 and walk/jog with them to the finish.

While waiting I grabbed a bagel sandwich from Chompies (one of my regular haunts in Pheonix)
Here I am just after I finished with my friend Tami.

Tami was volunteering at the medical tent ready to help any runner needing assistance.

I knew Tami from when she performed a research study at the Javalina Jundred 100 miler about hyponeutremia, water/salt intake and other various physical and metabolic responses over the course of an ultramarathon.

Tami is so perky, sweet and encouraging and is great fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now THAT looks like some fun!