My Garmin's recording of my race. I wonder what others runners race paces look like. I know several of my spikes were for photo opportunities, bathroom breaks, and aid stations. I was shocked to see a few fast times that suggest I can run about 6 minute miles...was a bear or gator chasing me??? Because there is no reason to run this fast in my world.

At the finish line being awarded my medal--I was so happy because I had just shattered my previous PR for a 50 miler by over an hour! And this was completely unexpected. In my prediction I had just aimed for 12 hours, would be delighted with sub 11 hours but finishing under 10:30 was just shocking to me.

With my mom at an aid station during the race

With my mom after the race. Taking an opportunity to savor the moment and cheer for runners at what became called the "outpost" (we walked about .5 miles from the start/finish so I could stretch my legs then sat for a bit chatting and cheering on runners).
You're awesome! Congrats on the PR! And, then, you volunteered???? What a woman! Great job! I can't wait til we get to run with you again.
wow--Tammy --I didn't realize you shattered your 50 mile PR. Not surprised at all as you have done such good training (and you probably stopped less for photos!)...
Thank you for these kind words...you have no idea how much I really enjoyed running with you and Cheryl at New Orleans last weekend. You guys were one of the highlights of my race! I can't wait until we run together again.
I have no idea what happened running at Rocky this past weekend. I was holding back a little since it was to be a training run for Umstead and next thing I knew Wayne was telling me I could break 11 hours significantly and I "had to do it". Pretty much this entailed just keeping plugging along.
I ended up taking only about 150 pictures this race. About 25 were taken by others and have me in them, alot I just stopped along the course to take pictures of my friends who were approaching such as Anthony, Wayne, Jamie, a bunch of Marathon Maniacs & 50 states and many others (who knew I had so many friends in the race?? And now I have added to my circle:-)
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