Gilligan and Tristan starting a race at Malcolm King park, a park near our house (we live right near "Green Park", a Gaithersburg park but about a half mile away there is another city park that has trails, soccer fields, the Muddy Branch river and some tennis courts)
This week has been really busy. I have been busy with work and have had a few medical issues to deal with. Tuesday I had a scan of my thyroid. As usual the radiologist (?) would not tell me anything about what she saw. A few times I tried to peer over to the screen but I have no idea exactly what a thyroid is supposed to look like (butterfly shaped organ is all I know). And the scans look like horror movies from the 1970's.
After my thyroid scan I got my yearly blood draw to test my thyroid levels. My doctor suggested my neck looks a bit swollen so now I am stuck getting a bunch of extra tests (and recently I have been REALLY careful about taking my meds last missed dose was Rocky Raccoon because I never woke up, thus had no idea when to take it--my prescription says "take immediately upon getting up":-). If this neck swelling is related to my thyroid it may mean I get a higher dose of levoxyl (which there is only 1 dose higher on the market!), otherwise I guess I will have more tests.
Since our place is close to a hospital/medical facility, I was able to run to and from my appointments. After my blood draw I ran home. This may have not been the smartest thing. In my defense they never said not to exercise like the blood donation folks. Well, now I await the results.
Tammy --hope your thyroid test works out --it's horrible waiting!!! Just finished reading all your recent posts. Congrats on another good marathon --the River photos are beautiful; ocean-like; althou it did look chilly. Love the photos of Gilligan jogging, and rolling in the snow. Didn't look like Tristan was too anxious to join him.
Let's hope for warmer weather soon --its still 25 degrees up here-grrr.
Are you running Shamrock marathon??That's where I have my P.R. (1992!)--anyway, good luck with the tests...
Hi Emmy,
Thank you for these positive wishes!
You're right the waiting is always the worst. In fact my thyroid sonogram came out well (nothing was detected) but my blood tests were all awry.
Now I get a new dosage of Levoxyl which hopefully will be straightened out by Umstead.
I will not be running Shamrock because I have the National Marathon that Saturday. A double 2 weeks before Umstead would be too much...
What about you, what's your next event?
hi Tammy glad to hear everything went well --I hate those tests. I went in for a routine pelvic ultrasound (menopause -ugh) and saw all kinds of things on the screen and was convinced I had a tumor but all was perfect (I had to wait for Dr to call.)..but it's not fun -
I ran 26 miles today after a 5 mile race and feel pretty good --just haven't gotton a long (40-50) mile run in so a bit worried. Anthony doing a 6-7 hour run at Rockies next sat and hope to join him then taper down....have fun in DC. Hum..
maybe should go down for it next year. see you in a few weeks. I have a photo of you, as if you need it:)
Hi Emmy,
Thank you. You are right waiting is worse then the results. Hopefully my new dosage will start working before Umstead (otherwise I have a ready-made excuse for a dismal performance:-)
I can't believe you are running 26 miles after a 5 mile race...that is dedication. I really cannot run more then 20 miles alone. That is why I run alot of marathons. You are so determined and dedicated.
See you in a few weeks...which by the way, I will always accept extra pictures:-)
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