Here is my friend Rob A with a horse approaching. Rob was really good company and an excellent mentor during our many miles last year. He was very cautious to never run up any hills. I have the tendency to get in a zone and would forget and be trotting along. He also was really funny, had lots of good stories and has run well over 550 ultra's!!! He is a running machine.
Going up a pretty steep hill in the hail...yes, hail. This was immediately following the storm in which there was lightening that we could see, feel and hear simultaneously. In fact at one point I simply stopped because I was so panicked (although there was pretty much nothing I could do except "pick a god" as one of Tristan's mountain guides suggested on Rainier if it did happen to blow up!)
Having run out of calendar days to train and being all packed and ready to go, I have spent the last few days reminscing about what a great time I had at the Vermont 100 mile last year. I was able to reconnect with lots of friends and make lots of new friends (including several of the horse riders).
The 2008 race definitely was challenging with lots and lots of hills, hail, lightening striking within a few hundred meters (splitting a tree in fact!), strong winds and several torrential downpours. I would like to think this year can only be better (well except for the bad the stimulus $$ is not going to level a few of the huge mountains or to connect them with a nice bridge!).
So far the weather is predicted to be in the mid/upper 70's during the day with lows in the mid 50's. This is acceptable to me but not ideal. I would much prefer mid-80's for the high and upper 60's for the low because I tend to get chilled very easily. There also may be the chance for rain/showers on Saturday. I am not a fan of rain; however, I have packed lots of raingear and will have a poncho in my fanny pack so I will be prepared for whatever the weather is.
I plan one change of shoes at mile 62 (Margaritaville) and even have a back up pair of shoes in my drop bag at that location. I have a second change of shoes at "Camp 10 Bear" which is an aid station we pass at mile 47 and 70. I don't plan to change my shoes more than once but a pair will be available if I decide spur of the moment at the Camp 10 Bear Aid Station.
For those of you interested in what last years splits were, here is a summary. You will notice that I averaged about a 12-13 minute miles early in the race and over a 15 minute mile later in the race. I don't do negative splits for 100 milers!
AS…Name………Mile…..Prev Time
3…..Taftsville B..….15.3…….7:37a
5…..Pretty House.…21.1….....9:17a
7…..Stage Rd….…..30.1….…11:50a
8…..Route 12…..….33.9…….12:50p
10.…L_Covered B…39.2….…2:06p
14.…C_10 Bear…….47.2…….4:04p
17.…Tracer Brk…….57 ………6:41p
20.…Schl House.……65.1……8:56p
21.…C_10 Bear……..70.1……10:12p
23.…West Winds…...77……..12:38p
25.…Cow Shed….….83.6…….3:10a
3…..Taftsville B..….15.3…….7:37a
5…..Pretty House.…21.1….....9:17a
7…..Stage Rd….…..30.1….…11:50a
8…..Route 12…..….33.9…….12:50p
10.…L_Covered B…39.2….…2:06p
14.…C_10 Bear…….47.2…….4:04p
17.…Tracer Brk…….57 ………6:41p
20.…Schl House.……65.1……8:56p
21.…C_10 Bear……..70.1……10:12p
23.…West Winds…...77……..12:38p
25.…Cow Shed….….83.6…….3:10a
My goals for VT100 this year include:
1) Finishing in relatively good health (ie conscious with all limbs, toenails and organs I started the race with--I could stand to lose a few pounds so a loss of 2-3 lbs might be nice--Maybe too much ice cream and donuts this summer:-)
2) Finishing in under 28 hours. Based on Umstead 100 this past April, this time might work. But the lack of training may adversely impact this goal
3) Finishing in under 29 hours. Last year my time was 29:06....just 6 minutes away from being sub-29 hours. I know the course, have excellent pacers lined up and have (hopefully) successfully fired "dead weight" Tristan (well except for Margaritaville--and all I need him to be is halfway coherent--coherent enough to read and follow his explicit directions!).
4) Finishing in under 30 hours. While 100 milers definitely have a wild card component, I think I can finish the entire race assuming I do not have some catastrophic event occur. The question in my mind is can I beat the time cutoffs? And of course the catastrophic events are always possible. All it takes is one good pukefest, a case of explosive intenstinal distress or even a stumble on a root or rock (*or running away from a snake).
This may be my last post until Monday, however, perhaps at VT Tristan and I will locate a library where I can create a quick post before and/or after the race.
*most likely scenario!
I really like your first goal! #1 priority :D
Sister, if you ask me, a 100 mile race IS a catastrophic event!
But good luck anyway.
Did you say that one guy ran over 550 100-milers? Should he be on meds?
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