With my friends Anne and Meg. We met about mile 15 and jogged about 8 miles together. They were really good company and I do sporadically keep in touch. Sadly neither Anne nor Meg are coming to New Orleans (even though Southwest had fares for about $65)
Enjoying a beignet after the race. Tristan snapped a bunch of pictures during this eating session. I ended up with tons of sugar all over myself. But it was SOOOO good!!! I can almost taste a beignet now. I can barely wait.
I am getting excited about another trip. This weekend I will be flying to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras Marathon. For this marathon vacation I am paying for my flight, but Southwest is really almost forcing me to go with a round trip flight costing ~$120 with fee's! And I am saving a bit more money by traveling with my friend/co-worker Qian.
Last Memorial Day weekend, Qian and I traveled to the Vermont City Marathon at Burlington VT. Our vacation was sucessful so now we are going to a different locale. I think we will have a great time sightseeing, eating and doing lots of activities in New Orleans. We arrive Saturday and are at New Orleans until Wednesday early morning. So far the weather is predicted to be in the mid-60's our entire stay which should be very nice.
I have run Mardi Gras Marathon last year and had a GREAT time. Tristan and I were there from Saturday until Tuesday morning. We saw many sights and ate a considerable amount. But when we left we had lots of activities we wanted to do but ran out of time. And we had lots of food we wanted to eat, but ran out of stomach space! This year hopefully I can be more sucessful.
During this trip we are planning to go to the garden district, go on a paddle boat, go to Mardi Gras World and go to the Zoo and of course we will eat lots of New Orlean style food (a head to head comparison of Beignets at Cafe DuMonde and Cafe Beignet are on my list of my "must eats").
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